1 min to read
Last Breath
Short Review

Short Review: Movies based on true stories tend to be intriguing to me. Not only do you learn about an event that you’ve most likely never heard of before, you get to learn from the experiences of others. This movie delivers exactly that, which is exactly what I wanted from the movie. The movie was very straightforward and very focused on the story, not straying for any reason, which I was very appreciative of. There were so many shots that were from the point of view of the divers or from security cameras in the pods they were staying in that I just loved, and the underwater scenes really looked like they were shot underwater. All of this just helped the film immerse me in the story, which a lot of movies based on true stories struggle to do at times.
What really makes the movie struggle to be great is that the story is very predictable.From the opening few seconds (even after seeing the trailer) you know exactly how the story is going to go and how it’s going to end. Many types of these stories can make the story unpredictable by making the obstacles feel insurmountable or unattainable (one of the best examples of this is Zero Dark Thirty), but this story plays safe and doesn’t do that.
As for suggesting if you should watch the movie in theaters, if you enjoyed the trailers, I’d give it a chance. It’s a good film to watch for once and learn the story. If not, I’d still suggest watching it when it’s on streaming.
Rating: 3.5/5